Marigold the Golden Memories!

Book Review❤

'Marigold The Golden Memories' is a collection of short stories. The stories are weaved with the theme 'Memories'. The nostalgia of the characters and how they are rekindling their past is the central idea.

There are eighteen short stories that potray the memories of different characters and their temperament.

Most of the stories are romanticized and some stories are very sensible and enlightening. The stories elaborate the human relationships in a positive note.

The writing style is breezy and consistent. The stories are engraved with positive quotes in the beginning. The author has inscribed many quotes that resonate with the storyline 

The vibrant character sketch and the optimistic human relationships amazed me.

One of the short stories 'Premonition and Me' is entirely different from others as it is written with horror and gothic theme. 

Few short stories ended abruptly and I missed the essence. Other than that, I really enjoyed this collection.

I would like to recommend this book for all the readers who love reading short stories and who are all looking for light reads🦋

One of the quotes I cherished🦋

'Food brings out many flavours! Flavours of love, flavours of craving, some sweet and sour flavours, but every flavour is a message. Some depict the strongest emotions, while some are soft hints. The flavours are more like the communication between artist who bakes his emotions into food'.


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