Do you believe that every reader you meet is actually a 'READER' you perceive?

Read the caption below🦋


‘I know you would be overjoyed when you see a stranger reading your favourite book in a railway station, in a waiting hall, in a hospital, in the crowded bus, in your college canteen, in a beautiful café.

You would perceive a reader in a very different way when you spot him/her with your favourite book in an aesthetic bookstagram account. 

You immediately wanted to tell them your thoughts, your naïve mind perceives that stranger in a beautiful disposition. 

Initially, I adored all the readers like how I adore the great books they read everyday. I believed that the person who reads books won’t be transphobic, homophobic, creep, islamophobic, misogynist and a pervert.

My naive mind believed it!



A person who has read many influential feminist writers and discussed with me about feminism, started slut shaming a rape victim?!


A person who reads a lot of queer books, posts about ‘LGBTQ’ rights, blurted out homophobic, transphobic statements in an argument.


A person who has analysed the partition works, preached about religious harmony, started spreading hatred towards a reader who wears hijabi.

 Every reader you meet is not a reader you perceive.

These hypocrites make me feel insecure. Their great choice of books and their disgusting mentality baffled me. I realised how wrong I was in judging a person based on the books they read, 

My conception is an extreme stupidity. There are hypocrites lurking everywhere. Believe me, ‘There are also hypocrite readers who are merely ‘CHARLATANS’! Charlatans weird you out, they hide their malicious demeanour in the ‘PRETENTIOUS READERS’ CLOAK’

Next time, if you see a stranger reading your favourite book, say 'Hi dude!' and appreciate their choice, discuss your ideas but don't u dare to judge their disposition based on the books they read.

Remember, Some ‘Charlatans’ can never be the READERS you imagine,unless and until they allow the so called great books to purge their watertight parochial mind.



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