Milkman' by Anna Burns is my recent read.  This book is a man booker prize winner in 2018.
The storyline revolves around an eighteen years old middle sister and how she is surviving amidst the gossip mongers in an unnamed city.

The social and political conventions of 'Milkman' looks like Northern Ireland. The novel has anonymous characters such as 'MC Somebody' , 'Maybe boyfriend', 'Milkman', 'Nuclear Boy' etc.

The author has discussed about LGBTQ, feminism and mental health in the vivid narration.

The middle sister's father was raped in his tender age and that incident disturbed his mental state and marriage life but middle sister's mom considers mental illness as 'Pretension'!? This shows the lame education of the citizens in an unnamed city.

Middle sister is constantly  harassed by a forty years old milkman( a nick name) and the society spreads a rumour that milkman and middle sister are in an illegal affair.

The character of middle sister is indifferent to the gossip mongers as she pokes her nose only into the book, she has a weird habit of reading while walking and the society condemns her demeanor.

I strongly recommend this book to every reader, you might DNF this book because of the slow narrative but if you love reading literary fiction then 'Milkman' will be one of the best reads.

Publisher : @faberbooks


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