“TARIKSHIR” is a mysterious novel with inexplicable events interwoven in the mythological background. The story starts with the mythological creature Valikesh who enters into the palace of Ravan which was devastated by the Ram army. Valikesh looks greedily over the wealth hoarded by the Ravan, when he ogles a gem, apparitions of other ghostly creatures scares Valikesh, and eventually he turns into an apparition.The story travels to the kingdom of Devangarh, the Rajput soldiers and their urge to get into a war with British. The initial event is strongly interconnected with the following events, the title makes sense in the following pages and this is one of the fast gripping stories that I have read. The author has clearly sketched each and every character, the Rajput kingdom comes in front of the readers eyes because of the author’s splendid description. Some readers wouldn’t have explored historical fiction and mythology novels because of ornamental expressions, but “TARIKSHIR” is an amazing novel in the genre of mythology with simple but detailed expressions. The story line is perfectly narrated and all readers can immensely enjoy this novel. The language is also very simple and lucid. The narration would certainly make the readers to get glued till the end with curiosity.