"Beyond imagination" by Shreyasi Kumar is an Imagination interwoven with many sensible elements of Indian mythology. The whole plot revolves around Durga, a wild life photographer from US comes to Sunderban forest in India, she comes along with her collegues, there she faces so many occults and mysterious happenings  which makes readers to get glued to the pages. The plot contains so much information about colonial India and the sufferings of marginalized people, written in an elegant and simple language.
The blurbs about Indian partition and how marginalized people suffered through the partition was sensibly written by Shreyasi Kumar. I particularly love Indian novels which explores the subject of politics in partition and colonisation, though “Beyond imagination” has crisp information about the partition and sufferings of marginalised people, the inscribed events would definitely fascinate the readers. The mythology of Manasa Devi in the Sunderbans  grasps the reader’s imagination. I can beautifully sense the effective way of narration by the author, it reminded me of  literary writer Amitav Ghosh who often touches the subject of Sunderbans. Shreyasi  Kumar has that effective narration and beautiful imagination to weave a story like “Beyond imagination”


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