Journaling Series📜


Ever since the pandemic started I'm trying my best to hustle less and taking things slow. Being kind and gentle to yourself and others is the only way to cope up with this situation. I've been experiencing  overwhelming distress for past few days for no reason. 

Emotional breakdown happens even when you are in a safe environment, even when you are successful so don't beat up yourself hard to heal fast. Healing process has no time period. Sending you virtual hugs❤

I started maintaining epistolary journal with some prompts and it really helps me to battle my anxieties. Panicking and feeling emotionally drained are the two major signs I've been experiencing in the emotional breakdown, so I started with a letter to myself and wrote the reasons why I panic and feel insecure.

Epistolary Journal 💌

Prompts and benefits🦋

Prompt 1. Write a letter to yourself, the things you want to achieve and also your regrets. The letter has to be very honest, the journal won't judge us right? 

Benefits : Writing letter to yourself calms you and allows to realize how you're worrying about the trivial things that you can't control. Be gentle and kind while writing this.

P2. Write a letter to someone who lifts you up, you can also write letters to any number of people. 

Be: It makes you feel happy and the letters convey how much you want to thank them for being so kind. List out the acts of kindness in your letters.

P3. Write a letter your younger self and ideal self.

Be : These letters are extremely helpful, you can analyse yourself. It is refreshing and calming when you are writing letters to your younger self, so don't forget to forgive yourself in these letters. 

P4. Write a letter to your best friend and list out their best qualities. Promise them that you'll always be strong and determined no matter what. 

Be: This letter makes you realize your worth, you feel how valuable you are after writing this down.

P5. Write a letter to your insecurities and start reasoning out. Believe me, you won't be able to reason out half of your insecurities, it's relaxing and constructive.

While writing about your insecurities, don't forget to mention why you feel so insecure about a particular thing and how it started, you can also write about how badly you want to get rid of it. This epistolary journal is a treasure, I have also written letters in the journals but didn't maintain a proper epistolary journal. I tried this a week before and written almost fifteen letters. Journaling is a very productive habit in my daily routine and this epistolary journal is chef's kiss.


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