'MYSELF' by @srikarthik.vasudevan
Review ๐
A book you read recently with so many twists and turns?
'Myself' by Srikarthik Vasudevan is a gripping novella that revolves around the life of a young man.
An eighteen year old boy's life gets trapped in the quest for discovering his true identity, his life is at stake, his father's friend is trying to kill him, his father is spying on him everywhere, but when he realises the truth behind all these dramas, the twist scares the wits off.
'Myself' by Srikarthik Vasudevan starts with the compelling chapters, this novel has around hundred pages, the readers can read this novella in one sitting because of the intriguing plot and comfortable language.
I love reading novellas, writing a novella is certainly a difficult task for the writers, without a detailed plot or description, writers have to sketch everything perfectly. Some novellas would disappoint you with average storyline, but 'Myself' is definitely not a disappointing novella. The characters were perfectly sketched.
If you are looking for a short, gripping and exhilarating read, I would recommend you 'Myself' by Srikarthik Vasudevan.